Our Story
ptam – a history
Patrick Togher Artists’ Management was founded in 1998 by Opera Australia Principal and Phantom of the Opera star Patrick Togher and leading operatic and concert soprano Romola Tyrrell.
Two of Australia’s most experienced and popular young singers, Patrick and Romola decided to follow in the footsteps of their manager, the late Raymond Myers AM, and take on the representation of a select group of Australian and International singers, conductors and instrumentalists. Many of the country’s top classical and theatrical talents have since joined their stable of artists and are regularly engaged by leading performing organizations in Australia, New Zealand and Asia.
PTAM’s principal activity is sourcing, negotiating and servicing contracts for our artists with the major opera companies, orchestras, festivals, recording companies and choral organizations in Australia and New Zealand.
In conjunction with our fellow members of ACMMA (the Australasian Classical Music Managers’ Association), we represent the interests of artists in the areas of industrial award negotiation and cultural policy.
For many years, PTAM has cultivated opportunities for classical artists in Asia. Working closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), we annually ‘export’ a plethora of Australian-based artists to China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, New Caledonia, the UAE and Indonesia.
It is the aim of Patrick Togher Artists’ Management to make available Australia’s finest music and musicians to the widest possible audience.